The following is a list of services provided by Ballymore Architectural.

1)  Meeting with clients, establishing their requirements and preparing outline proposals in sketch form.

2)  Preparing detailed design drawings and submitting for planning Permission.

3)  Carrying out all site investigations for septic tanks and soakaways.

4)  Preparing full Landscape drawings for submission to the planning authority at planning stage.

5)  Countoures site surveys.

6)  Project managment of on site construction for a fixed fee which omits the need for a contractor and leaves total control of finances with the clients. All the benefits and savings of pricing around for materials and labour stays with the client while we take care of the day to day ordering and running of the site.

7)  Certification of work carried out for lending agency drawn down.

8)  Certificate of Compliance with planning permission at the end of project.

9)  Cerficate of Energy ratings for your new home.
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